In the Dominican tradition, our faculty are working scholars who share the fruits of their contemplation with students. Please click on the links below to learn more.
Dr. Robert Barry
Ph.D. – Boston College
Areas of Expertise:
Moral Theology: Fundamental Moral Theology and Historical Theology, with a specialization in the thought of Thomas Aquinas on the question of evil and hope.
Dr. Holly Taylor Coolman
Ph.D. – Duke University
Areas of Expertise:
Systemic Theology: Christology, Ecclesiology, Christian theologies of Judaism, Jewish-Christian Relations
Dr. Gary Culpepper
Ph.D. – Catholic University
Area of Expertise:
Systemic Theology
Dr. Paul Gondreau
S.T.D. – University of Fribourg
Areas of Expertise:
Moral Theology, with an emphasis on marriage, Christology, and sacraments, with a specialization in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas
Dr. James Keating
Ph.D. – Catholic University
Areas of Expertise:
Systemic Theology: Papacy, Historical Jesus
Dr. Sandra Keating
Ph.D. – Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America
Areas of Expertise:
Comparative Theology: Christian-Muslim Relations
Dr. Ian Christopher Levy
Ph.D. – Marquette University
Areas of Expertise:
Historical Theology: Medieval and Reformation Theology, Ecclesiology, and Sacraments.
Dr. Stephen Long
Ph.D. – University of Notre Dame
Areas of Expertise:
Christian Scripture: Theological interpretation of the Old Testament and the Greek and Hebrew languages. Special interest in Biblical Law, Wisdom Literature, and the Psalms. Additional research interests: contemporary treatments of the Trinity and neo-Chalcedonian Christology, and theological anthropology.
Dr. Terence McGoldrick
S.T.D. – University of Fribourg
Areas of Expertise:
Catholic Social Ethics, Christian Life/Spirituality, Business Ethics, Moral Theology
Rev. Gabriel Pivarnik, O.P.
S.T.D. – Sacramental Theology Catholic University of America
Areas of Expertise:
Sacramental and Liturgical Theology; Ritual Studies; Institutional Mission Assessment
Dr. Patrick Reid
Ph.D. – St. Mary’s Seminary
Area of Expertise:
Old Testament Studies
Dr. David Stokes
Ph.D. – Princeton University
Dr. Arthur Urbano
Ph.D. – Brown University
Areas of Expertise:
Patristic Theology: Early Christianity, Patristics, Late Antiquity, Early Christian Biography, Art and Archaeology, Jewish-Christian relations