
Theology class with professor and students


In the Dominican tradition, our faculty are working scholars who share the fruits of their contemplation with students. Please click on the links below to learn more.

Dr. Robert Barry 

Ph.D. – Boston College

Areas of Expertise:
Moral Theology: Fundamental Moral Theology and Historical Theology, with a specialization in the thought of Thomas Aquinas on the question of evil and hope.

Dr. Holly Taylor Coolman

Ph.D. – Duke University

Areas of Expertise:
Systemic Theology: Christology, Ecclesiology, Christian theologies of Judaism, Jewish-Christian Relations

Dr. Gary Culpepper

Ph.D. – Catholic University

Area of Expertise:
Systemic Theology

Dr. Paul Gondreau 

S.T.D. – University of Fribourg

Areas of Expertise:
Moral Theology, with an emphasis on marriage, Christology, and sacraments, with a specialization in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas

Dr. James Keating 

Ph.D. – Catholic University

Areas of Expertise:
Systemic Theology: Papacy, Historical Jesus

Dr. Sandra Keating 

Ph.D. – Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America

Areas of Expertise:
Comparative Theology: Christian-Muslim Relations

Dr. Ian Christopher Levy 

Ph.D. – Marquette University

Areas of Expertise:
Historical Theology: Medieval and Reformation Theology, Ecclesiology, and Sacraments. 

Dr. Stephen Long 

Ph.D. – University of Notre Dame

Areas of Expertise:
Christian Scripture: Theological interpretation of the Old Testament and the Greek and Hebrew languages. Special interest in Biblical Law, Wisdom Literature, and the Psalms. Additional research interests: contemporary treatments of the Trinity and neo-Chalcedonian Christology, and theological anthropology.

Dr. Terence McGoldrick 

S.T.D. – University of Fribourg

Areas of Expertise:
Catholic Social Ethics, Christian Life/Spirituality, Business Ethics, Moral Theology

Rev. Gabriel Pivarnik, O.P. 

S.T.D. – Sacramental Theology Catholic University of America

Areas of Expertise:
Sacramental and Liturgical Theology; Ritual Studies; Institutional Mission Assessment

Dr. Patrick Reid 

Ph.D. – St. Mary’s Seminary

Area of Expertise:
Old Testament Studies

Dr. David Stokes 

Ph.D. – Princeton University

Dr. Arthur Urbano 

Ph.D. – Brown University

Areas of Expertise:
Patristic Theology: Early Christianity, Patristics, Late Antiquity, Early Christian Biography, Art and Archaeology, Jewish-Christian relations