Theology Major and Minor

The undergraduate program in Theology pursues three distinct objectives.

For Theology majors and minors:

It provides a balanced program in biblical, systematic, historical, moral and spiritual theology.

For all students:

  • It provides an introduction to the religious traditions of Western Civilization in the Development of Western Civilization course.
  • It also offers the two-course general Theology requirement with a foundational course (200-level) on the basics of Christian theology and a second course (300-level) which explores in more depth one or more themes of Christian theology.

Theology Major

The Theology Major is designed to offer both a solid academic foundation for advanced studies in the Catholic theological tradition, and the flexibility to develop a research program that is tailored to the student’s individual goals and interests. While some students will choose the major with the intention of pursuing a career in the church or in academia, others will chose theology as a “supplemental major” to enrich and deepen their Providence College education.

Theology Minor

The Theology Minor seeks to embrace both academic rigor and flexibility to offer an appealing program that will allow students from a wide variety of academic backgrounds to continue theological reflection beyond the core requirements. Students will work with their advisors to create a plan of study that complements their intellectual interests and passions.

Theology Department

Siena Hall