Dr. Dana L. Dillon

(Ph.D. Duke University, 2008). She teaches and publishes in the area of Moral Theology.


Dr. Dillon’s primary work is in the field of fundamental moral theology, with particular attention to virtue ethics and the relationship between subjective and objective approaches to actions and moral norms. She also does some work in the field of social ethics, particularly political theology and Catholic social thought.  She is currently working on an article that relies on the work of Herbert McCabe, O.P., to offer an integrated account of moral agency.

  • “Expanding in a Different Direction: Reclaiming the Twofold Nature of the Moral Object,” will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Heythrop Journal.
  • “Human Rights, the Common Good, and our Supernatural Destiny” appeared in Christianity and Human Rights: Christians and the Struggle for Global Justice, edited by Frederick Shepherd (Lexington Books, 2009).