Dr. Aurelie A. Hagstrom
(S.T.D. Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas [Angelicum], Rome, 1991). She teaches and publishes in the areas of Ecclesiology, Theology of the Laity, and Mariology.

Dr Hagstrom’s work in ecclesiology focuses on the vocation, mission, and spirituality of the Laity according to the Second Vatican Council. She is interested in how the Laity are the Church in the heart of the world and how they bring the world into the heart of the Church. Ecclesiological research has also brought her to a deep interest in Mariology. The theology of Mary as the archetype of the Church and the hospitality of God are her two avenues of research in retrieving traditional Marian dogma.
Recent Publications include:
- “For I Handed On to You as of First Importance What I Myself Had Received: Theologians and Handing on the Faith,” in Handing On The Faith, College Theology Society Annual Volume 59, Matthew Sutton, William Portier, eds., Orbis Books, 2013.
- “The Role of Charism and Hospitality in the Academy,” Integritas 1:1, Spring 2013.
- “Advent, Mary, and Hospitality: Making Room for the Lord,” Ministry & Liturgy, 38:7, September 2011.
- The Emerging Laity: Vocation, Mission, and Spirituality (Paulist Press, 2010).
- “Transformation: A Catholic Agenda in the Dominican Tradition, The Biblical Notion of Hospitality as the Model of a Catholic University,” Dominican Studies Journal, Centennial Edition, Ohio Dominican University, Spring 2010.
- “The Spirituality of Hospitality and Dialogue in the Church,” Ministry & Liturgy, 37:2, March 2010.
- “The Dominican Charism and Higher Education: A Personal Reflection from the Field,” Journal of Catholic Higher Education, 29:1, Winter 2010.
- “One Body: Gifts, Ministries, Responsibility,” Assembly: A Journal of Liturgical Theology, Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, 35:6, November 2009.
- “Resurrection of the Body and Ecology: Eschatology, Cosmic Redemption, and a Retrieval of the Bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” in God, Grace, and Creation, College Theology Society Annual Volume 55 (Orbis Books, 2009).