Dr. Sandra Toenies Keating

(Ph.D.  Catholic University of America, 2001). She teaches and publishes in the area of comparative religion with an emphasis on Catholic-Muslim Relations, particularly theological exchange in the early medieval period.

ResearchDr. Sandra Toenies Keating

Dr. Keating has published numerous articles and a book on relations between Muslims and Christians in the Middle East. She is a frequent speaker on various aspects of Muslim-Catholic relations, especially on the theology and historical background to contemporary issues in dialogue. She is a member of the USCCB Catholic-Muslim dialogue group, and serves as a Consultor on the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims.

Recent Publications include:

  • “Say Not Three”: Some Early Christian Responses to Muslim Questions about the Trinity,” The Thomist 74:1 (2010).
  • “Interreligious Dialogue with Muslims: Reflections on Yesterday and Today,” International Journal of African Catholicism, 2:2 (2010).
  • An Early List of the if t All h in Ab R i a al-Takr t s “First Ris la ‘On the Holy Trinity’,”Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 36 (2009).
  • Defending the ‘People of Truth’ in the Early Islamic Period: The Christian Apologies of Abu Ra’itah (Brill, 2006).